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  • Remediation Services

    Buildings that have complex problems and are rapidly becoming safety hazards need immediate repair. Inspections, advice and rectification works on all kinds of buildings are our specialties. If your building has any serious problems that can be a threat to your building in the near future, count on our experts.

    Our remedial team and reliable roofing and property maintenance contractors at Tradecom Group have extensive experience across a wide range of building remediation services, and we have assisted several engineering and strata management companies in resolving complex issues regarding roofing and property maintenance. We specialise in building remediation, balustrade replacement, window replacement, roof waterproofing, etc. As part of your remedial work, our building repair contractors can also provide painting and decorating services alongside our resources and capabilities.

    Licenses and insurances are in place. Our eligibility to receive payments from the Home Building Compensation Fund is also in place.

    Kit of Remediation Services

Our Remediation Services

The dedication and local landscape knowledge from the Tradecom team ensure we provide a complete service to remediate, revitalise and renew simple to complex residential and commercial roofing and property maintenance projects of all sorts.

Contact Us

  • Structural

  • Flooring

  • Water damage

  • Roofing

How We Manage Remedial Projects

Engaging a professional, experienced tradesperson for remedial works is the key to achieving quality results. Each member of our roofing and property maintenance team has been selected for experience, skills, and attention to detail.

Before arriving on site, they have been briefed, so they will arrive on time with full uniforms. All members of the Tradecom team are security checked, and they will present photographic identification upon introduction.

How We Monitor And Brief

We optimize all three aspects of project management using our proprietary software, Visionary – time, budget, and quality. You can rely on our building repair contractors and remediation experts to provide you with quality quotes at no charge for building remediation, balustrade replacement, window replacement, roof waterproofing or other services.

More Than Just Remediation Services

At TradeCom Group we provide lightening fast solutions to your remediation needs. Our customised approach to each project and technologies we use, enables us to provide you with long lasting solutions, measured and evaluated in hours as opposed to weeks or months with conventional treatments, hence reducing potential contamination and noticeable time savings.