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Why Shouldn’t You Ignore Site Evaluation for Construction

Site Evaluation Plan

Are you planning an expansion for your manufacturing or industrial business? And you’re trapped mainly in the design of a building, floor plans, architecture, and other fundamentals that can make your property look good. Wait!!! you’re forgetting something fundamental and of utmost importance known as “Site Evaluation”. Site evaluation must be budgeted out before construction which would make sure that the site is appropriate for your building construction or not. It doesn’t matter if your building is a Residential, Business Park, or an Industrial Plant, it must be zoned properly.

However, checking the zone is not the only thing, a detailed site evaluation would assess if that site can handle your desired structure and for what purpose that facility would be used. The proper digging, drainage, and easy approach to already present utilities must be considered. A successful project can only be acquired with the selection of the right site. Because an incorrect site selection before the start of construction can compromise your whole project causing safety issues, extra expenses, and delays.

Significance of Site Evaluation

After zoning the land, several other examinations are still required to take place. For instance, the easements, environmental concerns, and already present structures that should be removed completely or not. And the concern of land if it would support expansion or not. Therefore, a preliminary conversation with a client would make it clear what you want for your facility. Our team will perform an evaluation of soil, attain necessary permits and interconnect each detail for a plan of design-build. Moreover, this practice confirms that the client and team are on the same page which will not cause further issues during the construction. A detailed site evaluation protects from costly unseen hindrances at work. Several cases require evaluation of their site for permit procedure. This major investment should be made rightfully.

Why Choose TradeCom Group?

TradeCom group offers services of site evaluations as well. Our team manages designing, and site preparation which is not possible without getting an accurate land plot. Apart from site planning and evaluation, estimated cost, requirements of the city for compliance, permit to build and how many square feet can be built are all taken care of by TradeCom group. We take our quality of service seriously, therefore, we hire trained and qualified contractors for maintenance and construction. We have worked on different projects such as code review, feasibility service, site planning, zoning, upgrading, and inspection to assist a client in making decisions about their construction. We understand everything that is required to upgrade your facility or building from scratch. Give us a call at 1300 301 888 before making a decision.